The phone does not answer

0 votes
asked May 21, 2020 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by anonymous

This happens a lot, especially on those old phones or devices with full storage space. What people usually do is restart their phones or turn them off and on. When this doesn't work, we usually remove the battery from the phone and everything goes back to normal. However, some modern phones do not have this option because their batteries cannot be removed. Don't worry, we will tell you what to do and how to do it.

The solution

Depending on your phone, here are some steps you need to follow to restart it:

Apple (iOS8 or more)

  • Click Volume Up once
  • Click Volume Down once
  • Press the Power key for 15 seconds

Apple (iOS7 or less)

  • Press the Power + Volume Down key at the same time for 10 seconds or until the Apple logo appears


  • Press the Power + Volume Down key at the same time for 10 seconds or until the Samsung logo appears
  • Sony
  • Press the Power + Volume Up key at the same time for 10 seconds
  • When the phone vibrates, press the Power key as usual to turn on the phone.

Nokia / HMD:

  • Press the Power + Volume Up key at the same time for 15 seconds or until the Android logo appears
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