How to enable developer options on Oppo N1

0 votes
asked Jun 6, 2016 by heman (58,880 points)
How can I enable developer options on my Oppo N1 Android phone?

How can I enable developer options on my Oppo N1 Android phone?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2016 by heman (58,880 points)

Development options is a feature of Android terminals that provides a set of tools for developers who create applications and then are required to test and debug Android applications. These options are created for rapid deployment of applications in Android. They also have different characteristics that make easier the connection between a computer and a terminal .

Some smartphones have development options natively on. We can find these settings in Settings and in the section System. But since the introduction of the new features in Jelly Bean, existing terminals have hidden this function as a normal user does not require this option. But if we want to access these options, it is very easy to activate.

Enable development options

1.    Let Settings> Phone Info.

2.    We search the list Build number.

3.    Press 7 times followed the Build number.

Now we have the Developer Options activated. We find in the settings just above the Phone Info.

Disable the development options

Now if we want to disable these options, either because we're done with rooting our terminal or because we do not like to have these options in sight. We can easily disable them.

1.    Let's Settings our terminal.

2.    We entered the option Applications in the Settings.

3.    Move the windows to get to All.

4.    In the application list, we looked Settings and select that application.

5.    Press the button Clear data.

And ready, we will have development options disabled. If you have served you this process and have already enabled or disabled development options, leave your comment. If you have any questions about the method, do not hesitate to leave your comment, for so we can help as far as possible.

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