How to change font on Samsung Galaxy J

0 votes
asked Jun 14, 2016 by anonymous
How can I change font on my Samsung Galaxy J Android phone?

How can I change font on my Samsung Galaxy J Android phone?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2016 by anonymous

Android is known for its extensive customizability. We can change the different characteristics of our own terminal either device options for third - party applications or by processes that require a terminal with root. One of the main features that can be changed is the default font system.

Depending on the manufacturer of the device we have, this may be a time a little easier or as complex process. This article will explain the different ways you have to do.

Change the font by Flip Font

There are certain manufacturers that include support Flip Font on their devices, being an example Samsung or HTC (from Sense 6). Some of them already preinstalled several default fonts that you can select to our liking. The steps to change the source of our device are:

  • Access Settings
  • Within adjustments, we will go to the settings screen
  • And finally select the option Source. We will then show a list with all fonts you have installed Flip Font. Here we select you want and be set as the default font.

Yet it is possible to add more to our collection apart from those already preinstalled. In Google Play find different collections of fonts if you run a search for Flip Fonts, which we installed a number of new sources.

There are also other applications such as Hi Fonts for viewing and downloading each source individually without having to download an entire pack. Although for that we allow the installation of applications Unknown sources in the section Security Settings.

By Cyanogenmod and Theme Engine

Finally, it is also possible to change the source of our device easily if we installed Cyanogenmod on it. Cyanogenmod takes including the Theme Manager in the Settings, which allows us to install full themes or customize specific aspects of our terminal. One of them is the source of the device. To access this option and change the subject:

  • We enter Settings.
  • Inside, we look for the option Device Issues
  • Select the topic that interests us and once selected, a list of the different components that change the item displayed. We can select the ones you want to our liking (in this case we select the source).
  • Finally select Update .

We can download the specific sources for Cyanogenmod from Google Play or we can download entire issues (or components of the subject that interest us) from the official repository CyanogenMod, and then apply only the source of the issue we have downloaded without changing anything else.

As you can see, there are many ways to change this particular aspect of your terminal if you do not like the font that comes by default. While some are simple, others require a little more care and a more advanced knowledge of Android, although there are many tutorials for rooting our very detailed if you should use this option terminal. It is the great advantage of Android.

Google Play | Hi Fonts (free) Google Play | Font Installer (free) Google Play | Fonter (free)

0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2016 by anonymous

Change the font of all menus on Samsung Galaxy J

Change font

You can also change the font you have your Smartphone and make larger or smaller letters of your choice. If you do not like how they are now just have to enter the options  Settings, Devices, Fonts find the options:

- Font type that lets you choose from several different types of letters that are installed on your phone.

- Font size  where you can select the size you prefer from "tiny" to "huge".

If you want you can download and install new fonts from Google Play Sources.

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