How can i remove the virus from my samsung galaxy j5?

0 votes
asked Jan 26, 2017 by anonymous

1 Answer

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answered Jan 31, 2017 by anonymous
  • In order to prevent new viruses from entering your mobile, it is important to remember that your device works in a similar way to a computer, so if you use it to surf the Internet frequently, it is best to install a good antivirus that Help protect it.
  • In this case, the first thing we have to do to remove the current infection is to download and install AVG Antivirus for Google Play.
  • Once the permissions are accepted, downloaded and installed, we open the AVG Antivirus application. We activate the service and click on the Protection option.
  • Then, in the list of options, we choose the option "Analyze now". In this way we can start an immediate analysis so that the program detects the malicious file and can eliminate it.
  • At that point you will begin to analyze all possible viruses and malware that may be on our Android phone or tablet. When you finish erase all traces of virus, leaving your mobile device free of infectious files.
  • A quick and effective way to clean up and at the same time protect your mobile from future infections.
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