How to Delete Android Applications

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asked May 28, 2020 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 28, 2020 by anonymous

How to Delete Android Applications

Of course, the easiest thing in this type of case is to uninstall the applications that you have downloaded through Google Play, such as uninstalling Telegram, since it is the mechanism that the same Android people have put in place for us, so that we avoid inconveniences. .

To remove common Android apps, follow these steps:

  • Unlock the initial screen of the device if it is locked
  • Then go to Google Play Store, the Android app store
  • When you have entered this section, type the name of the application in the Search Engine that appears at the top of the screen
  • Once it appears you have to open it
  • You will see that there may appear options such as Installer, Update or Uninstall
  • Of course, the one that interests us is the last one, since it is the one that allows you to delete the application

In some other versions of Android, such as those on Huawei devices, you also have the possibility to remove applications from an Android phone from the main menu, following this step by step:

  • Find the icon of the application you want to uninstall
  • Press and hold on top of it until you can scroll the screen
  • You will see that the message Uninstall appears at the top of this
  • When that happens, move the icon to the trash can that appears there

Also note that some versions of Android ask you for confirmation as the last step to uninstall the applications, so that there are no uninstalls by mistake or anything like that.

You should also not be confused with certain versions of Android in which when we remove the icons of the apps, that does not necessarily mean that we are removing the apps, so be careful with it.

How to Delete Default Apps on Android

Now, we know that probably many of the users who have reached this step by step actually prefer to learn how to remove applications that come by default on their smartphone, and that is the next step by step.

The first thing that you will have to take into account in this type of situation is that although there is indeed the possibility of removing pre-installed applications on Android, more than once we will have to root the devices.

What happens is that the different manufacturers in the Android world are the ones that decide to incorporate default applications to their terminals, based on the commercial agreements they have with different developers.

For this reason, such apps are protected by the system itself, preventing us from deleting them even if we try, something that can be annoying especially when we have little storage space left.

Now, as rooting an Android mobile automatically allows you to become a mobile administrator, then once you have done that step by step you will be in a position to make the modifications you consider appropriate.

Something that you have to take into account in this type of cases, before rooting an Android mobile, is that this could leave you without the warranty of the device, so it is a trick especially recommended for those who have terminals that no longer have this coverage.

Have you been able to remove applications from your Android operating system with this step by step?

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