Damaged Loading Port

0 votes
asked May 21, 2020 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by anonymous

Damaged Loading Port

Like everything in life, nothing lasts forever. Your phone is no exception. Cargo ports tend to deteriorate over time. Misuse or dirt can be some of the causes of this deterioration. This common problem needs to be solved by an expert. However, you can try some of these things to see if it works again.

The solution

Before taking your phone to service, try cleaning the charging port with a new, dry toothbrush. You can also clean it using a dry swab to remove dust and dirt that doesn't allow your charging port to work properly. If this does not work, please take it to the technical service.

Clearly these 10 problems are not the only ones that a mobile phone has, but they are the most common according to Internet searches. However, we decided to add 10 more divided into 2 groups such as Android problems and iOS problems. Take a look at the following common issues:

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